Msimg32dll Missing or Too Old for Opera

I barely checked out for the first time THIS particular Forum of the array of avast! Forums. I HOPE I interpreted the Subject / Topic of this Forum correctly. Hopefully I’m not out of bounds here.

Anyway, I just barely upgraded to Opera 9.50, I guess last week or the week before. Everything seems to be working fine. However, upon loading / opening up Opera … now I ALWAYS get this message:


This system library Msimg32dll is missing or too old, so certain transparency effects will be slow and possibly not drawn correctly.

Obtaining the library from a Windows ME installation and placing it in your Windows system directory will fix this.[/b]

I did some Googling to try and find this Msimg32dll File that Opera 9.50 wants. I sorta did find SOME so-called possible places where I could conceivably acquire it … but, no place with which I really felt comfortable. Any of the Super Duper Knowledgeable, Trustworthy ;D Computer / Software Wizards here know a source from where I could SAFELY download this Newer “ME” Msimg32dll File so that I can pacify my Opera 9.50? ;D

I’ve made a direct download of version 5.1.2600.1106 available for you at MySharedFiles:

Hope that helps. :slight_smile:

It’s NOT working, Bob. I’m getting this message:

<< Oops! We can’t find the webpage you’re looking for >>

The server was down for about 1/2 hr for maintenance.
It’s back up and you shouldn’t have any problems getting the .dll now.

Can I ask if you … or how you verified that this was the “ME” version for which Opera is asking? I downloaded the version you posted and it seems to be a different version than that which I’ve seen mentioned on some sites. I went ahead and placed it in the Opera Folder as some Posters have mentioned … instead of in the Windows\System Folder as the Opera Message mentions. That didn’t work. I then went to place it in the Windows\System Folder, but a message informed me that that File already existed and if I wanted to replace it. Hmmm? Well, I noticed a discrepancy in the File Size between the version that’s in there right now b[/b] vs. the File I downloaded from the link you posted b. [/b] That concerns me. Especially since it appears to be a Hidden or Embedded File as I can’t see it in the Folder. IF this were to NOT be the version that Opera is asking for and it messes something up … Wooooooooo! I’d be in quite a situation since I can’t see the Original File so as to copy it.

I think I need to do more research before making that File Switch … with that File Size discrepancy. Or do as someone suggested … wait for an Opera 9.50 Update. :slight_smile:

Yeah, it’s needed… I can say that Opera 9.50 is not as stable as the previous one; had a few crashes already with 9.50.

So far, for me Opera 9.50 has been more stable than Opera 9.27. On 9.27 I did used to periodically get Crashes … I’d get the Illegal Operation has Occurred message and then prompted to Ignore or Close. Opera 9.27 would then freak out and disappear. Then again, no doubt part of my problems that happened with my Opera 9.27 are related to the fact that I am running Opera with AOL Dial Up as my ISP. ;D But, so far, Opera 9.50 has been noticeably FASTER than 9.27 and more stable.

I WAS though, upon seeing the New LOOK of Opera 9.50 for the first time … SHOCKED! And I don’t mean a Good Shock as in Shock & Awed with amazement. I mean I was disappointed with the New LOOK. I really loved the LOOK of Opera 9.27. But, the New LOOK of Opera 9.50 immediately struck me as too Oakland Raiders-ish. I didn’t like it one bit. I hated it. I hated the Black Icons and especially the Black Folders. I then played around with the different Color Schemes and settled on GOLD. With that and with time passing and allowing me to simmer down from my shock, I’ve settled down somewhat. I’m NOT fuming anymore. The New LOOK doesn’t make me grimmace anymore like it did in the beginning. Not too bad anymore now that I selected the Gold LOOK. I can’t wait for the Opera 10 Peregrine that is supposed to be even FASTER than 9.50. I sure hope that version has ALL the Files it needs and doesn’t send us Windows 98 Users out on some Scavenger Hunt for Files. Then again, I just hope Peregrine still supports Windows 98 period! After all, Firefox 3 I believe doesn’t support Win98. So, who knows? Maybe Opera Peregrine could go that route.

Did you use the file I made available or did you find one on your own ?

Hey, Bob … as I mentioned on my post 3 posts before this one, I did use it … sort of. The Opera message states to put the New Up to Date WinME version of the Msimg32.dll File in the Windows\System Folder. Some posters on various Forums CLAIM that it works better putting it in the Opera Folder. So, I started by placing the File I downloaded from the link you provided … in my Opera Folder. It swallowed it right up, literally. As in I can’t even see it in there anymore even though I placed it in there. Anyway, that didn’t fix the problem, didn’t get rid of the Opera message. I then tried putting the File in the Windows\System Folder. I was immediately informed a File by that name already existed and prompted me to replace it with the Newer File. It was then that I noticed the File Size discrepancy. The current Msimg32.dll File in there is 52.0KB. The File I downloaded from your link is only 4.5KB. That concerns me. If anything, I would think a Newer more Up to Date File would be the larger one. Also, the version in the link you provided, appears to be a different version than the version other Forums mention. I have no idea which version would be the correct one that Opera wants.
So, I opted to instead just sit tight and NOT replace the current Msimg32.dll File in the Windows\System Folder until I do more research. I don’t want to err and end up with a cripled computer. That’s why I was asking in my other post IF and how you had confirmed that the File in the link you provided, was the so-called WindowsME version that Opera wants. I figured IF I’m going to mess with this again, it’ll be until Friday evening when I have the weekend ahead of me to if need be … engage in a Total Windows Reinstall if a possible wrong Msimg32.dll File makes my Windows 98SE go awry.

But, I really appreciate you trying to help, Bob. I just wish Opera would give us more detail on exactly which File it wants and where one can find it.