what do I need to do to get avast to scan an MSN email accout that is located on the MSN Portal?
Thanks in advance.
are you talking about the msn web-based email?
if so…your standard shield provider should do the trick…
Yes, we log into MSN.com and have an email account there. I wasn’t sure if I needed to give the SMTP server info and the POP account info (which I don’t know). I did filll in that info using my ISP account data (SMTP, POP) but wasn’t sure if it would protect me. Thanks for the fast reply.
Internet Mail provider can only scan pop/smtp email accounts.
Standard Shield will take a look into your emails if you correctly set it. Please, untill you’re familiarized with it, choose High level of protection.
Please, untill you're familiarized with it, choose High level of protection.
i thought i heard somewhere that the high level will become normal in future releases? ???
any idea when will it commenced?
Thanks, Technical, It is already set for high, just didn’t know if this fine program would catch the nasties from web mail. 8)
you should have mcaffe virus checker aswell at the msn server (if its the same as hotmail), thats blocked .scr and .vbs files being sent to me.
Steve,The reason for going with FREE version of Avast is not to pay for an AV program. Also Avast blocks SCR and VBS extentions.
I’ve used Norton AV until it expired, it had a higher rating than Mcawful. ;D
I mean the built in mcaffee that msn uses if you download from there site, its on there server not your pc. Hotmail has this for free and scans attachments (it says so), probably not as good as avast though.
Sorry Steve for jumping the gun, I wasn’t aware of McAwful on the MSN site. I’ll check it out, but I think Avast will suffice. Thanks again,
Joe :