MSN Messanger Virus

I have recently suffered a virus which sent a link to all my MSN messanger contacts.

it sends a link that suggests that there is a picture of them, when clicked, downloads a file, if clicked, the virus appears to do the same on the users computer.

I found and killed it by ending the proccess msnmsgm.exe and sent a message to all my contacts to ignore the link, not to click it, and if they have, to warn their contacts.

I want to notify avast of this anyone know how? I have the website in question.


Do you have Avast installed and it missed the detection of the virus?

If it was what happened, just create a zip file, password it and add the virus file in it.

Send a message with this zipped file attached to

Dont forgot to say what is the password of the file, and what is about…

Thanks for your time,
