It is definatly not a Windows or Avast file. Even google has nothing on it. So it is most likely part of spy-/adware. It is very likely that a apllication (harmfull?) tries to load that file. Run msconfig and see what is loading at boot time. Als search the registry for that file and let us know here the result of both.
Well, it sounds like a typo - shouldn’t it be msvcr70.dll?
That’s a common Microsoft library and avast! certainly needs it (and the installer should put it there).
I suggest to try to repair avast! from the Control Panel - Add/Remove programs applet; and if it won’t work, download the installer from the web and use it to repair the installation.
I just downloaded home 4 and also cannot get it to start after install. Says a required file “MSVC170.DLL”
failed to load. This is the correct spelling. ran updated SpyBot, AdaWare and CWShredder prior to Avast install.
Was the solution found for this or what should I do to get this AV running to get an update?
Thank you.
PS this AV was recommended to me by the windowsBBS board.
I’ve had the same message related to MSVCI70.dll missing, when trying to install AV 4. I’ve tried downloading two separate times. Received the same message both times when trying to install. It is spelled MSVCI70.dll.
Can not get past that message, so AV 4 remains uninstalled.
Any ideas?
I also read Vlk’s post. I hope that it will be fixed in the new version.
Eddy was on target with his reply.
The file msvc170.dll is a dynamic link library file used in Microsoft C++ Visual Runtime Library. It is a valid file that can be downloaded from the Microsoft Support site. Avast requires this file to function properly and that is why you cannot get it installed.
While waiting for the “new fix in 4.5”, I would download the Visual Runtime that Eddy referred to.
Make sure the file is registered. You can search Microsoft Support for instructions on registering the file.
I got an e-mail from VLK and he said to redo the download. I remove the first one and re-downloaded and he was right! works like a charm now! I did however send a message to support about it finding and all the definitions left from panda and lavasoft adaware SE. Also sorry I forgot to mention I’m using win98SE on a pentium 300 clocked to 400 and a 2 gig harddrive with 256m ram used for surfing. It runs as fast as my 56k modem will allow.
PS: I just regained control from an about:blank hijack.
Any suggestions on avast! settings will be appreciated. Dan
Settings depend ofcourse on what you (not) want. I suggest to check the help/manual of Avast to see what each setting does and set it accroding to your wishes.
I usually leave my “module” settings at Normal. Avast has been very good at detecting "infections’ using that level.
As for the scan function, I have my scanner set to Thorough with Archives. It is a bit slower and takes longer, but is a very complete way of checking the computer.
can somebody save me all the trouble of looking into these C++ library’s and tell me where to find the msvc170.dll file? Google search doesn’t get me anywhere, not even at :o
Like Igor said, did you try to repair your installation?
Go to Control Panel > Add/Remove programs > avast! antivirus > Remove
Then choose Repair function in the popup window (Repair).
Dudes, The MSVCI70.DLL was a glitch in a portion of the program download. If you are getting the "can’t find MSVCI70.DLL " warning you should delete the download and do it over, the fix has been applied the the current version of the program download file.
Also it is not one seven zero . DLL it is I (eye) seven zero.dll.
Dan (newbie)
PS: sorry I earlier added to the confusion