Much Improved Time For Support Ticket Responses!!!!

Dear Avast,

Just wanted to thank the support team for answering my ticket inquiry! In the past, when tickets have been submitted, it has taken months for a response, and sometimes not at all. This however came back with a prompt in two days! AWESOME! Keep up the great work! Two great things Avast has done for its customers this year in this regard:

1.) Better response on support tickets.

2.) Dumping i-Yogi as a support partner!!! :slight_smile:

Keep up the excellent work!

Positive feedback? And for the ticket system?

gargamel360 pinches himself

In all seriousness though, its nice too see. I’ve known a few people who have used it once or twice and had good luck with it, others not.

Try filling one shortly after a program update, you might notice a longer delay. ;D

Thanks for the feedback. Sometimes it’s good a positive feedback in the help forums where we’re used to see only users asking for help :slight_smile: