Multiple files in 'emupdate' folder

Greetings from TEXAS,

Why are files of same size added to folder ‘emupdate’ just different names, long complex from 2013, one (1) and six (6) from 2015?

ONE (1) should be there and the latest only?

They relate to emergency update executable to download an install emergency updates, whilst the files are uniquely identified they will be the same size.

Personally I would leave these files in the emupdate folder alone.

You may see other folders under the setup folder which are named in the same way. Personally I feel these should be cleaned by avast housekeeping. But I have been regularly deleting these sub-folders without issue, you have o disable the avast self-defence module to be able to do so - ensure you enable it after - The choice is yours on what action to take, generally I leave the most recent uniquely named sub-folder.

Thank you, Mr DavidR,

I shall leave them alone and the folders for now. Have another issue to deal with presently.

You’re welcome, they don’t take up much room, but I too don’t like this lack of avast housekeeping.

I have seen you have another topic, just going to look at it.