I’m new to Avast, actually everythink works fine, I just have one question.
In E-mail protection wizard I cannot add multiple e-mail providers. Is there an option to tell Avast to scan more than one email account?
I’m new to Avast, actually everythink works fine, I just have one question.
In E-mail protection wizard I cannot add multiple e-mail providers. Is there an option to tell Avast to scan more than one email account?
avast automatically adds multiple accounts…
as far as i know…the default smtp & pop server in the mail wizard is not for email scanning…but for sending maybe virus info to avast…
try to run your mail wizard again…and it should work fine…
try this…
In the wizard make sure to select the option for all future accounts.
If you have Outlook (not Outlook Express!) then you don’t need the e-Mail-protection-wizard because Outlook is supported natively by avast!
You don’t need the “Internet-Mail” Service too in that case. You only need the “Outlook/Exchange”-Service for eMail-Scanning. You can uninstall the Internet-Mail service if you only use Outlook (the eMail Protection-wizard will be automatically uninstalled then)