Multiple processes

Hi Everyone,

After a long time not being over here because of moving to another place but sometimes I still comes here to visit for any updates or any latest news and now I need you guys help me to solve this problem which I seen before on here but I can’t find the post. Here is the problem

Already completely rmoved Avast (with the use of the uninstaller from the website) and reinsalled?

What version (build) of avast! is that?

Oh thanks for the reply and it was the latest version 4.8.1290 build in Nov2008

@Eddy - Nope I didn’t removed it and reinstall because my computer was slow during start-up. (Is my
problem that I was lazy)

rassel, try updating to the latest 4.8.1296.

Yeah problem solved thanks Tech.

Wow, glad to know… that was easy :wink:

Ya and thats what i’m stupid ;D

You’re not stupid… you’re using avast forums :wink:

Oh ya :smiley: People who use avast is genius!