Multiple SMTP Problems

Hi, I have installed AVAST 4 Home last night after having enough of the OEM version of NAV that stopped to update my virus definitions.

This AV just looks magnificient and I would like to congratulate you before everything!

My question concerns the Mail shield. I use Pegasus mail under Win XP Personal and I use two smtp accounts (one for home and one for the university office) and many pop3 accounts. I have at the end seen the trick for configuring AVAST and pegasus for multiple pop accounts. But what about the SMTP accounts?

I have given the office server as the default SMTP server and for now I have been using AVAST from home and it does not seem to check the outgoing mail and insert the small text that telles that the message has been checked (I have activated this option in the settings). Also the taskbar icon does not give ant information when I send a message even if I have activated this function too in the settings. :cry:

Is there a way to assure that all outgoing mail will be checked wahtever is the SMTP server used or to set this function for multiple SMTP settings (as it is possible for the pop3 ones)?

Thank you for your help in advance!


As Vojtech mentioned here:;action=display;threadid=119;start=0 :

Support for multiple SMTP servers will be added in the near future.

Sorry, I have missed this one (even if I have first checked all mesages with a relevant header) because it was specific to Bat!

So, I understand from thisdiscussion that multiple SMTP account are not supported by the actual version ov AVAST (they are by NAV I think). I hope that the next version will handle this issue :wink:

Multiple pop is already very nice and it seems to work when one follows the trick given in the help file.

Thank you very much for this very nice AV soft. I will probably thank you again when it will save my … computer the next time.

