Multiple System Tray Icons Generating and Closing

Earlier today I had multiple Avast icons in my system tray appearing one at a time and then once there were 30+ they would start closing until none were left and then it would start again. I uninstalled and reinstalled Avast and still had the issue. I ran a boot scan which came up blank along with a Malwarbytes scan and Avg which also came up blank.


do that :

stay on the windows Key of you keyboard and press “R”

type : Regedit

expand :

\Local Settings

left click on traynotify

on the right , double click on “IconStreams” and delete what’is written.the data must be empty


same thing :

\Local Settings

left click on traynotify

on the right , double click on “PastIconsStream” and delete what’is written.the data must be empty

close , and reboot the system

Malwarbytes scan and Avg which also came up blank.
do you have avast and AVG installed?

hello we don’t see it in the screen , AVG isn’t installed

I’m having this same freaking problem! But this fix helps for the moment till the next restart, and then here he is again with those annoying tens of notifications.

Anyone find any other solutions to this? Cleaning out the registry didn’t help. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling also.

did you use avast removal tool?