my 3 sites are detected as malware url although they are safe!

Hi, well this sux
all my 3 websites, which i am the only admin are been reported as malware infected.
I just checked with my domain host which double checked and said everything is fine on the site’s end.
I scanned all the sites through Avg url scanner and virustotal url scanner and all reported that my 3 sites are malware free.

My 3 sites are:

Please fix this it is really affecting my life right now!

is it still blocked by last VPS (121005-0)?


Hi Milos,

Unless your version number is a typo, 121005-0 isn’t available/released yet. I checked for update and reported already up to date.

Sorry, I sent the reply too early :wink: Now it should be right – new VPS was just released.


Yes, I got it on my other system shortly after my post.