My android is marked as UNSECURED. Why?


I have installed Avast and activated the Anti-Theft on my Android.

The Avast on the phone is reporting no problem, however, on the web portal my phone Security Status is Unsecured.

How can I find out what the portal is not happy about.

Many thanks


could you try refreshing the portal (F5) after, let’s say, an hour? The status reporting is sometimes confused right after the apps have been connected.


Hi Filip,

Unfortunately the F5 and shift-F5 did not help. In fact this situation is like this since the few days.

I noticed that under the “Security Info” tab:

  • the Last Communication can be as short as “less than 5 minutes ago”
  • but the Last Update is stuck on “Aug 30, 2012”

This is I guess the reason of this situation. However I dont see where I am forbidding the Updates to be done.

I have read in a thread that one trick is to disable the hourly update and re-enable it. But this did not help in my case.


I have some problem. Why?
And see message:
“Real-Time shields: OFF”
What this and how a can ON it?


what does it say when you go to Settings - Updates in the mobile app? Are the virus definitions really from Aug 30, or are they newer?



this is a little bit different problem. When you see Realtime shields OFF, it means that you’ve disabled one of the shieds in the AMS (App shield, Message shield or Web shield). When you enabled them and wait for some time (depends on your account reporting settings), you should see SECURED status on the web.
