Hello, I’m the developer for a legitimate app in the Mac AppStore called Bitcoin Ticker - To the Moon! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bitcoin-ticker-to-the-moon!/id731453251?mt=12. A couple months ago my app was hijacked along with some other legitimate apps, and were uploaded as a trojan to popular third party websites such as Download.com and MacUpdate.com. The details can be found here http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1xnm1v/os_x_users_beware_downloadcom_and_macupdatecom/. The actual Mac AppStore version has always been clean since only I can code sign and upload it to the Mac AppStore.
In the last update I added some security features incase the app was ever modified again by a third party. If the app has been tampered with it will show a warning message and then disable itself http://cl.ly/image/3c2Q0W3Y1M1C. How can I go about removing my app as a false-positive? I’ve already sent a false-positive report a couple weeks ago with no reply. Here is a screenshot of the false-positive http://cl.ly/image/1X280Y3i2G2z.