my attempt to download avast internet security

My hope is to download avast internet security. I wrote

<<I just purchased a NEW Dell Inspiron computer and would like to download my avast Pro antivirus but I received the following message on trying to download it:

"It is too late to download this file. You were allowed to download within 77 days.

If you have any questions, please contact Digital River Customer Service at"

If you’re able to help me in downloading the avast! Pro Antivirus, I would appreciate it. Also, the avast! Password Reset doesn’t even recognize this e-mail address that you use to contact me.>>

So far, no response. Any response here in this forum will be appreciated. I didn’t know about the 77-day rule.

Do you still have the licence file in your e-mail ?

Download link fro Pro is here

Yes I still had the license, and, after clicking on Browse, I navigated to the file with the license and double-clicked on it. Setup began shortly thereafter.

Is it working now ?