I like Avast, except for the interface, which I’ve never liked. My older brother said he upgraded, and the user interface looked great. So I “upgraded” to Avast 5.0 (even though the install I had said it already was Avast 5.0), and the user interface stayed the same. What am I doing wrong? The small font is very annoying, and the buttons are not intuitive.
Can you give a screenshot?
If you have avast 5, you have the new UI.
See my screenshot.
Here is the screenshot. I chose the same option that you showed, “Current Status.” This is what pops up in my install. I checked the “About avast!”. It says I have 5.0.462 installed.
Okay, I apologize. I see now I do have the new interface. My older brother so talked up the new interface that I didn’t understand why my interface looked exactly the same. (I didn’t think to click on the “Show Details” link, which your PNG shows.) The main thing that irritates me: Why is the font on my interface so small? How do I increase the font size?
Does your desktop have the same font as the one in avast?
I think so. I figured I could increase the font size using a Windows trick, but I just want to increase the font size in Avast. I don’t want it to be systemwide.
By the way, I know this seems like a small matter, the font size, but I deal with folks who need computer help. (Even if I occasionally make a newbie mistake, like the above one I made in the thread.) I can’t recommend Avast for some people, especially older people, if the font size can’t be increased. My older brother, who recommended Avast to me, complained about the same thing.