My Avast account seeing my computer as two different devices.

I have had some issues with either viruses or just OS conflicts to the point of totally wiping and rei-installing to remedy the problem. I have remedied the problem but in the process Avast is now reading or seeing my computer as three different devices. I could just delete the two that it sees that are inactive although they are all the same computer but my problem is the fact that I’ve paid for Grime-fighter and Avast does not allow you to transfer it from one PC to another. Since avast thinks that I have a different PC it does not allow me to utilize my license. It knows that I have it and it’s active but only active for a version of my PC that does not exist. I don’t know what to do to remedy this situation. I’m curious if I’m joined by other users in this dilemma and if anyone has a solution.

Delete all devices in your account and add only the one you have now.

Yeah Eddy I did that already and now those facsimiles of my computer are no longer on my Avast account page but from what I can tell the Grime Fighter license is only allotted to one computer and now it thinks my computer is a different computer and will not activate on it so essentially it’s useless to me because it will not run. I’ve contacted tech support and they give me some spiel about my PC maybe not being compatible with Grime Fighter which is not the case. They’ve offered me a license to the new version of Grime Fighter due to come out sometime soon they say but as of now I’m just out of luck. Thanks for trying to help.

Trying to help is a small thing to do and can bring a lot of joy :wink:
I hope the new version will work for you.

Please let us know if it is working or not.
The information can help (as volunteers) to help others.