My Avast is completely up to date as of today (oct 18) - and I run win98se.
The full scanner crashes when I exit it. I get a white box Gpf type error.
The quick scanner finishes the scanning task, pauses, then crashes (same as above)
The Systray Icon is always split in 2 when i boot up - though one is blank. I have to “split icons” then “merge Icons” to get the blank area out of my systray.
All three resident scanners say they are running - every time i boot up, even though I have the mail and outlook scanner turned off in settings. The systray icon reports that only 1 is running however.
Given recent events you should probably report what version of Avast you are currently running. I still have a 98SE partition running on one of my machines.
Well, there is no support for 98SE and no support for avast 4.8 … the last version that run on W98
Yes it still receive signature updates, but stopping that have been talked about for years…
There comes a time when you just can’t get parts for antiques any more.
Unless you happen to know how to manufacture your own, you’ll simply have to
learn that the old gray mare ain’t what it used to be.