My Avast not detecting Windows 8.1

When I login to, avast does not detect my OS on my Windows 8.1 machine.

I get the same thing when I look through the avast UI account tab.

Anyone else have this problem?

I have the same problem on Windows 8.1.

Good to know that it is not just me, bad to know that it is another flaw in avast…

Same thing seen with my Win 8.1 system here. I also verified that an XP and Win 7 system DO show the right stuff.

another flaw in avast

Not a very big one, though. Assuming not unlimited resources, I guess I’d rather the attention be paid to virus protection vs. web site perfection.


What I mean is that there is always something broken here or there in the my avast account system whether it be an error in the gui or the website or both.