My avast! Pro expired

Well my avast! Pro updates expired on Sept 1st and Share-It! never did send me my e-mail about the renewal discount. I sent them a e-mail telling them this and asking if they could send it to me. I made sure months ago that they had the right e-mail address to send it to and they did but they never sent me the e-mail. :frowning: Hopefully soon they’ll send me the e-mail. :slight_smile:

I’m sure this will be solved. May have to need a little patience, but it will be ok again.

Maxx, very strange…
I know that there is a setting into avast4.ini file to configure the time of this warning.
But, like last year, I was not warned too…
Is this feature useless? What does Alwil have to say about this?

Technical, I don’t think you would get any email because you didn’t buy the software (at Sher-It), right?

The Maxx, I’ll try to find out what’s going on.


Ok. You’re right. What can you tell us about the avast4.ini file setting? Thanks.

Thank you!! :slight_smile:

Even though I might be wrong, I don’t think there’s any avast4.ini setting to control when the warning is displayed.

The Maxx, I was told that you should write an email to (possibly including a link to this thread in the message).

The sales people don’t have your contact detail so they can’t do anything at this moment.


Thank you Vlk!!! I just e-mailed them. Hopefully I’ll hear back from them soon. ;D

Vlk, can you say me something?
Thanks for your time.

The time is hardcoded in the program - there’s no ini file setting to change it.

So, what the ini value does? Why is it there?

OK - what value are we talking about? :slight_smile:


Well, this key avoids displaying the warning at all - but it doesn’t change when it would be displayed (if permitted).

Can’t it permit? I mean, if the time is hardcoded the user could configure how much time before the program should alert it to renew.
What do you think?