my avast status and info


I’ve noticed that my.avast status for my devices isn’t up to date. One of my tablets shows “YOU ARE PROTECED” below “Shields are turned off” and “Automatic update of virus definitions is off” but on my device all my shields are up and automatic updating is on.
Also for all my devices “Last communication” and “Last Update” is from 5 days to 6 weeks. All my devices are 24/7 online (either WiFi or GSM), updates are checked regularly (once in week manually). I use my.avast daily to check status as some of those phones belongs to my kids so info there should be correct.


Hello, I had real trouble too~ Im trying to get a refund! I removed them off my computer and I highly recommend you do the same!!! I am using Malwarebytes .com Its awesome, neverseen anything can get past it!

hillbilly11 rather than ranting tell us what the problem is and we will try to help

Perhaps he had same issues as I do…really not something that would make me uninstall it and ask for refund.

We will check the logs for your device and let you know.

Same Problem here!
On my Phone, every thing is ok, but in the list of “Info” in the Avast-account on PC the Informations for example about the Defionitions-Version say, it’s 141104-1 but really I have 141121-00.
The Info on PC say, my Programm-Version is 3.0.7864, but by the Information on Phone I have 4.0.7871.

Many Greetz

I just checked my status from within Avast Internet Security 2015, and everything looked correct. When I logged on to, I noticed that the website said my license had expired, which is incorrect. Not a big deal since the program has it right.

I see have a similar issue. My Android phone running the free version of Avast shows as on-line with the correct program version. My Windows 7 machine running Avast Internet Security shows in as offline and the version information is very old. Both are on-line most of the time. The PC version is the latest.

Same problem here.

In my phone all shields are on. In My avast website it says they are Off. However the website it also says “Your are protected”.

Also, in my avast website, a computer with avast installed is show as online (green ball), but the info status is out dated (last communication 2 hours ago).


Similar problem here too!

On the website I can see that “Shileds are turned off” and “Automatic update of virus definitions is off” on my re-installed
phone but the phone itseld is quite happy and I assume that it’s actually OK.

Some data points: the phone is a Samusung Gakaxy Note II and it didn’t have a SIM while I re-installed it, now it has.

This may be just cosmetic, but it would be nice to have it fixed.


Same problem with me.
I discribed my problem in another thread - but no solution yet.

Suppose this is the correct thread for my problem to be posted.

ad Problem with mobile devices and their shields being reported as “off”. There is an unfortunate problem in the new implementation of the communication API in the new Avast Mobile Security release and a new version of your app should be available soon, that will eliminate this issue.

Generally regarding the information show in

All apps (windows and android) are updated in intervals, that are usually couple of hours. Your device wakes at this interval and sends data to our servers, so we can show them in or push you updates, etc. This is to save you data traffic fees and battery life. You can increase this update interval manually if you want (on Android, go to Settings, choose your account and pick the desired frequency).

We are working on a brand new protocol, that would allow us to contact your device when needed. E.g. you enter and we will contact all your devices and give the most up-to-date info. This protocol will require synergy of all Avast teams and releasing new version of all our products, so it might take a little longer than we would like, but it will happen eventually.

Hello OndraM,

Where may I find this configuration (in avast for windows) that allows you to define the time interval used to update the information in website?

All my installs from scratch ends up update information just once… After that no more updates to the website. For example, it updates the visrus definition in a device, however the site displays it as having an older virus definition that actually is because it has not been updated.
