first sorry for my english, I’m from Colombia I has been use a program to chat and to many other things since years without any problem ;D, but now I can´t execute because avast say that is a virus >:( I must to desactive access protection for the execution :P, I has been send messages months ago like a “positive false” to avast, but I can’t solve this problem yet :-, what I can do for the execution with my active avast ???. thanks for your answer.
No it isn’t a virus, this detection spread to many AVs without deeper analysing and this program is not probably used by many users, so no complains no fixing.
I can only strongly urge you to follow the steps above. The scans from the various anti-virus and anti-malware programs will prove how seriously your system is infected.
If you post the logs and results here, I am sure that Avast forum experts will try and assist.