first sorry for my english, I’m from Colombia I has been use a program to chat and to many other things since years without any problem ;D, but now I can´t execute because avast say that is a virus >:( I must to desactive access protection for the execution :P, I has been send messages months ago like a “positive false” to avast, but I can’t solve this problem yet :-, what I can do for the execution with my active avast ???. thanks for your answer.

PD: The program is radiotbo.exe and you can download from in “Descargar Versión 5.02 17/12/2004 787Kb.” or directly in

Hi, welcome to Avast forum! :smiley:
I analyzed that program at and i’m afraid that you chat program is really a virus! :o
Here is the result of scan:

Dear McJarod,

I recommend doing the following:

  1. Download and update Avast (
  2. Download and update MBAM (
  3. Disconnect your computer from the internet (ie. pull the cable out or turn the router off)
  4. Run a boot-time scan with Avast
  5. Do a full scan with MBAM
  6. Download and update SAS (
  7. Do a full scan with SAS
  8. Download CCleaner (
  9. Run Ccleaner
  10. Download HJT (
  11. Run HJT and click 'Do a scan and save a logfile)

Post the results from Avast, MBAM, SAS and HJT here. The friendly Avast Forum members will be able to help :slight_smile:

Best wishes,


hmmm, really old program, old detection, old false positive, will be fixed in next VPS update.


So, it isn’t a virus?! ??? But 58.54% of the antivirus programs at virustotal flag it as a virus! Does this mean that they are all wrong?

No it isn’t a virus, this detection spread to many AVs without deeper analysing and this program is not probably used by many users, so no complains no fixing.


I can only strongly urge you to follow the steps above. The scans from the various anti-virus and anti-malware programs will prove how seriously your system is infected.

If you post the logs and results here, I am sure that Avast forum experts will try and assist.


Really many thanks!!! now I can use my chat program with the last avast update!!!