My computer is toast!

Background: My computer black screened on me with just a mouse. After fighting and fighting and system restores and ending explorer.exe it finally works. It may not after I shut it down but here goes.

Ever since fixing it avast! has completely crapped on me. It won’t do a single thing, won’t even uninstall. The entire software is toast. To test this I’ve removed a random file from my computer using control panel, it worked fine with no issues. the only thing that won’t remove is avast! (So I can re-download it). If I try to remove it from program files it refuses saying I’m not administrator when I am.

Windows 7 Acer Predator G3620 64-bit please help!

Tried searching FAQ section?

Avast 2016: Using the Uninstall Utility >>

Trying this destroys the computer, blue screens and I have to go back to the black screen and once again re-start explorer.exe. Fairly confident this is linked to avast! at this point