My Experience with FF 2.0

I downloaded the source code and compiled it myself so it would use the Altivec SIMD processing engine in my PowerPC processor (for you windows users SSE, SSE2, SSSE2 are intel’s SIMD processing engines) It really makes a difference to compile it yourself

and it is great! pages render instantly as soon as I hit enter even on my 1Ghz G4 iMac. Plus its memory usage is HALF of what Safari uses.

I love the built in Spell check feature, works just like Word’s spell check

Thanks for the report Mac, interesting. :slight_smile:

Microsoft’s latest browser: Firefox 2007 Professional Edition.
And you can even personalize it:
Personalize Your Browser - Choose from three excellent browsing styles! Minimized, Maximized and Fullscreen!

Hey Mac and Neal63(are you on a diet?)from the looks of your avatar :o
and hopefully you know this browser is “NOT FOR REAL” ??? ::slight_smile:

But I do like the fact that according to the Microsoft Firefox website that I’ll be able to download pictures of girly parts faster! :stuck_out_tongue:

If anybody is missing the mail icon on the navigation toolbar of Firefox 2.0, there’s an extension here that will put it back for you:

(You still need to add the icon to the toolbar via view>toolbars>customize.)