My first problem and disappointment

Yesterday was the first day of my disappointment with Avast! :frowning:

I had no problems with Avast 4.7 Home and with its VDB-updating. The day before yesterday I installed Avast 4.8.1196. Yesterday I tried to update the VDB to the version 080330-0 but received two dialogues:

[b]Error[/b] avast! A setiface error has occured: 2 Try to reinstall or contact support, please
[b]Setup Selfextract[/b] An error 2 (00000002) has occured Last performed operation was: spawning

I tried to reinstall Avast without deleting the previous installation and got the same pair of error windows. Then I uninstalled Avast 4.8, rebooted my PC and run the installation again - no problems. After that I tried again to update the VDB and … you can reread my message from the very beginning.

Avast’s log says:

Error SYSTEM 1264 Internal error has occurred in module aswar scan function failed!, function A000010E

WinAudit says:

Internal error has occurred in module aswar scan function failed!, function A000010E. Event ID 90

Tell me, please, at whose end is the problem and what I should do? ???

The internal error you quote has already been reported and is under investigation. It appears to be associated with FAT32 partitions and does not appear to be affecting the functioning of avast for those experiencing it.

Please see:

The first part of your problem report does seem to be new for this release.

Should I do the following?

For the while, I'll keep Avast! 4.8 with rootkit scan and raw disk access disabled and await developments.

You do not need to do anything.

The rootkit scan error is not harming your system or reducing the effect of avast in scanning for viruses and spyware.

But I can’t update VDB!

My apologies I misread that comment.

I suspect this is one for the avast team to take a look at your avast setup log.

It may be well worth seeing if turning off the rootkit scan and the raw disk access (in troubleshooting section of avast program settings) allows you to perform the VPS update.

Error 2 = The system cannot find the file specified. If it is indeed a windows file system error number.

Try a repair of avast. Add Remove programs, select ‘avast! Anti-Virus,’ click the Change/Remove button and scroll down to Repair, click next and follow.

If that doesn’t work, problems associated with setiface may possibly be resolved by this (I haven’t seen the normal error message this corrects in your quoted errors).

Try Windows, Run and type:
C:\WINDOWS\system32\rundll32.exe “C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\setiface.dll”,RunSetup
What do you get?

You can post it here, at least, the last 200-250 lines of avast log: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA\log\Setup.log

I believe I managed to recreate this problem.

  1. I downloaded the latest vpsupd.exe and ran it with my current installation of avast 4.8 - no problem.

  2. Disconnected from network.

  3. I uninstalled avast and restarted so that there is no avast in my system.

  4. I installed avast 4.8.1169 and restarted system

  5. Ran same vpsupd.exe file as in (1) above and got exactly the errors reported by George Yves in the first section of his error report.

  6. Solution: I ran the Repair function of avast - remember I was disconnected from the network - and it said VPS file was installed.

  7. Ran same vpsupd.exe file as in (1) above and this time the VPS update was successfully installed

Conclusion: a fresh install of 4.8 requires the Repair function to setup necessary files before vpsupd.exe can be run successfully

Please download vpsupd.exe again, this problem should be fixed now.

Alan, you might want to correct the version number in note 3) above to 4.8.1169 you copied George’s typo.

I’m impressed how you’ll being able to reproduce and found little bugs. This, for sure, is improving avast very quicker than other antivirus that does not have a community :wink:

Oh! How many replies! But let me start from the beginning.

I get the first of the error messages.

I send you my log.

Sorry, could you say it in a more plain English? I’m not sure I understand you.

Do you mean that new vpsupd.exe can resolve my problem?

Yes, try it.
I found your log without serious problems, specially the last update tentatives:

01.04.2008	13:02:55.000	1207044175	general	Return code: 0x20000001 [Nothing done]

The updating with 080401-0 ended well. Did it repair my Avast?

Time will say… let’s wait for next automatic update. Hopefully you’re cured :wink: