My hard reset settings are not being saved...

Well, I’m not being able to pass from this message…
Any time I save the settings, when testing them, they’re fail… :-X

I’m with Samsung Galaxy Nexus I9250 with AOKP (aokp_maguro_jb_build-2). Rooted of course.

this issue will be fixed in the update coming today or beginning of next week.

Thanks. I’ve thought I had messed my ROM with constant update…
It would be fantastic if we can generate a .zip file to flash while wiping/flashing the ROM.
Is it possible?

i just left a message with the same error, i did an update today and go it when i his check check stored settings…

i hope it is fixed … i too thought i messed something up…

Any the developers is listening to me? ???

didnt understand your proposal, sorry.

i had teh same problem for days after noticing it…
my problem was super user access… the anti theft was not been granted super user access,
i noticed my SU logs and only the anti theft (renamed program) was in red… so i enabled my Superuser program to always grant application super user status…
rebooted my phone then logged in to anti theft through the dialer and then i say the pop up that ( named) program was allower SU… hit back up settings and it worked…

i then placed SU back to prompted permission

faced the same problem as well. No luck even enable superuser to “allow” instead of prompt.
tried to uninstall it and faced the same problem. Had no problem upgrading it earlier.

can you get me the diagnosis message?

seems like it’s a problem on superuser where it doesn’t grant access to app requesting for it.
fixed the superuser issue and now it’s working fine

Good to hear!