My Ist ever error with avast4 home!

Help!!! :frowning:

The error caused your wrong floppy disk: e.g. damaged boot sector / not formated, etc… is it possible ?

All I know is, that my floppy drive isn’t working properly. It’s out of order. It doesn’t even read the floppy sometimes when inserted… occasionally, when it tries to read something, it makes weird noises.

In simple words, “out of order!”

Now, tell me, is the error critical? Should I reinstall avast? :-X

Not at all, it has only information character for you - in other words, it says there was an error during bootSector scanning in resident shield. Error code 22 means WRONG_DISC.

I don’t have floppy drive for about 3 years, I have disabled it in bios.

Can I receive a list with numbers and description of the avast error codes?
I hate numbered errors but you programmers love this kind of incomprehensible language ;D
You know my email, can you send a list for me? Thanks. :wink:

0x22 is official windows error code, their description is here. avast errors start from 42000 and i’m sure you already know them all ;).

Maybe I have translated them but I don’t know the correlation between numbers and descriptions… Can you compile this information to me? :wink: