My local settings folder is corrupt *Resolved*

When I turn on the computer It has that Chkdsk that comes up. But It doesn’t do anything on step 2. 0%. (This doesn’t work when I do it manually either) And when it gets to the login screen it says (Something close to) Windows oculd not log onto this user but had logged you into the default user. Then When I get to my desktop it says all these files are corrupt in the taskpanel. Saying like Msnmsgr (Doesn’t work) Javshud (Or something) and some other thing. (There all from local setting) which is corrupted… It’s not even openable and so many Of my stuff won’t work. When I opened IEexplorer, It was automatically making tabs etc. And when I use the search, It says it has encountered an error and needs to close but it still responds but if I press ok on the message it closes. Usually freezing it.

Something else just came up


exception processing message c0000102 Parameters
75b6bf9c 75b6bf9c 75b6bf9c 75b6bf9c

And I get a blue screen and all that other stuff. Except on the blue screen it doesn’t show whats wrong. (Instead of kernal_inpage_error etc. it’s nothing)

I’m going to get it fixed but Should I get a new computer or get it fixed again (Already like 2-3 times and still get errors etc.) Has anyone ever seen this happening. Is it a virus or just a faulty hard drive (again)


Did a virus infection precede all of this? Also, you mentioned you had it fixed, what was done to it?

What are your system specs and operating system?

Thank you. :slight_smile:

Best Regards…


Did a virus infection precede all of this? Also, you mentioned you had it fixed, what was done to it?

—(Haven’t scanned lately) But it was working the day before. Then it’s just done all of this the next day. I already had severe problems with it. First time it go fixed they said it was a faulty hard drive. I continued to get blue screens. 2nd time I got a new motherboard. There were still blue screens. And I still have them and It’s really annoying ={ Would a new computer get rid of all this?

What are your system specs and operating system?

—Windows XP. And where do I find specs?

Thank you. Smiley

Best Regards…

scanning now


I would certainly hope so! :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Perhaps there’s a way to correct the problem with the one you have now. Your specs should be listed in the “Device Manager” and in the first tab of the windows that comes up when you right click on “My Computer” and click on “Properties.”

Also, when you had the hard drive and motherboard replaced, did the techs inspect the memory and power supply unit?

Best Regards…

I have no idea what the guy does but here are my specs.

Microsoft Windows XP
Home Edition
Version 2002 ---- is there a 2008??
Service Pack 2

Registered to:


Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU
E2140 @ 1.60GHz
1.60 GHz, 0.99 GB of RAM

Scan 78% done with nothing (Kaspersky)

No threats detected.

Found another thing. If I try to download a firefox add on - It gives me error 228

First time it go fixed they said it was a faulty hard drive
Did you actually replace the Hard Drive? and how long ago did this happen?

2nd time I got a new motherboard
After this did you have the shop re-install windows ?

how long ago did this happen?
Have you tried defragmenting?

First time it go fixed they said it was a faulty hard drive
Did you actually replace the Hard Drive? and how long ago did this happen?

Yeh I think they did. And it usually starts to fault 2-4 months after being fixed.

2nd time I got a new motherboard
After this did you have the shop re-install windows ?


how long ago did this happen? Every 2-4 Months
Have you tried defragmenting? Didn’t do anything…

I just need to focus on getting my local settings back. I’ve looked it up, But everyone says it’s on there EXTERNAL stuff


At this point, I would have your memory modules and PSU inspected to see if these are the culprits. If it’s still doing this, even after a motherboard and hard drive replacement and you’ve had no malware infections, there is little else it could be. ???

Best Regards…

memory modules? PSU? inspected…?? how.

And this is the first time it’s happened. This didn’t occur before. It was fine one day then the next day it just denied access.

I think it mightbe malware. Maybe just not detected yet. I have no idea :cry:

For your memory, you can try a program called memtest86…

Download the ISO “zip” file under “ISO images suitable for creating a bootable Memtest86 CD-ROM” and then burn it to a CD. Then boot the system up with the CD in the CD-ROM and if your system is configured to look for a CD before the hard drive for a boot record, you should see a screen come up displaying something (most likely a DOS type of a screen) from this program. :slight_smile:

For your PSU (and if you feel comfortable opening up the case and dealing with your hardware)…

I own one of these myself, they’re pretty nice. Just be sure to follow the instructions. :slight_smile:

Hope this helps. :slight_smile:

Best Regards…

It fixed itself. I turned it on and it said it recovered from it. Then firefox would not open saying that it was already running even after restarting. So I uninstalled it and then I reinstalled it (Deleted profiles etc) Then it worked now my noscript doesn’t work right. I allowed the scripts for and whatever else it was but on the forums it doesn’t display right. It doesn’t show anyof the background colour or even the post buttons.

One thing after another :-\ anyway. Thanks for the help.

Nevermind Got it. The ‘allow pages to use their own colours’ was unchecked. Thought about that when did the same thing