My modem drivers are not rootkits!!!

I have smart link 56k modem with fax options and avast detected one of the driver component as a rootkit. I had to reinstall modem and uninstall avast to be able to connect to Internet. I’m not sure which component it detected because it moved it to chest, and I couldn’t restore it back. When i uninstalled avast the file was gone also.

Well… false positives should be reported before messing the system.
If you uninstall avast, the Chested files were gone too…
Can you install your modem again (through CD/floppy) and then report which file is being detected as infected? You can add it to the Exclusion lists of avast.

I tried that but resident scanner keeps “seeing” it all the times, reports a rootkit and then restricts access to it. And when it does it’s bye-bye internet for me ;D… Weird thing… The only way to get modem working is by uninstalling avast and reinstalling driver. But then I don’t know which is the file of suspect. When avast is installed I can’t connect and send that file to avast team. And I don’t know if I can do it manually, that is without avast. I think the file is something called ntmtlfax, but I’m not sure. If that helps somehow…

Before uninstalling avast, check the logs… or it will be shown in the virus alert message.