"my opera" mail (beta) + thunderbird + mail shield fails (ais 6.0.1091)

…no idea why, works fine with Windows Live Mail, ie setting the account to non-ssl ports and getting IMAP rerouted by the mail shield. Required server settings are the same like Gmail.

I noticed when I first tried that in Thunderbird that Avast detected (for some reason ??? ) a POP account. Corrected this and it still doesn’t work. IMAP alone is affected, SMTP works with the mail shield.

So again, IMAP/SMTP (143/587 >>> 993ssl/587tls) works fine in Windows Live Mail while just smtp works in Thunderbird. If I don’t use the mail shield and set back the account to ssl settings in Thunderbird of course IMAP works again.

Any clue?

ps: no error message, just Thb telling that connection with myopera.com timed out.

yep that’s definitely the issue, could reproduce it when re-creating the account in Thb, Avast mail shield keeps detecting the account as a POP account when it comes from Thunderbird… and weirdly doesn’t do the same mistake when it comes from WLM. After either correcting or deleting the wrong POP entry in the mail shield, correct IMAP settings get detected in a new entry but it doesn’t work.

BUMP ;D … guys I know that there aren’t still many running this Opera Mail thing yet, but please do bring a fix to the issue, so that proper IMAP detection happens in the mail shield, thanks :wink: