Hello, I have registered on this forum ONLY to tell you what I think of your product.
The quality of this software has been falling like a rock for a few years now. When Avast came out it was originally one of the strongest and least intrusive antivirus software packages in the world, and it was free.
Now, the program eats literally TONS of memory, bogs computers down without warning, conflicts with other programs, harasses you about buying “upgraded” versions if you are using Avast Free, and if your license is near expiry it will bother you every single hour about it.
Let me cite a direct example of Avast’s quality decline.
Just now, I got the notice that Avast needed updating. While I was busy typing something up for a different forum, I assumed it would not be that much of an issue to allow a background update to Avast and started the process, then went back to typing.
Some minutes later, in the middle of my communication, Avast abruptly CLOSES my Firefox browser without a warning; it is shutting down my machine. I stop the process JUST before it closes a critical notepad with unsaved changes, but I’ve lost a good 40 minutes of typing.
I would expect this kind of crappy, invasive, selfish activity level from NORTON.
Your software should:
ALWAYS ask before restarting the machine. Always. Closing programs without warning, when there is no detected virus in the system, is ABSOLUTELY, 100% UNACCEPTABLE. This is even if your virus software is in the process of update.
Greatly reduce its processor shadow. I know it’s a busy software and fighting viral infection is hard work, and a clean bill of health is a sign that everything is going fine. But when 80% of the processor is suddenly used, without warning, this can be hard on gamers and others. They may be led to deactivate the software, which creates more problems than it fixes.
STOP harassing users whose license is about to expire. One notice a day is already a lot. Your software currently gives a notice EVERY TIME it updates. And 30 days prior notification is excessive. I have held off renewing my license SPECIFICALLY because your software keeps pestering me!
Thank you for reading and listening to these comments about your avast! Free software.