My own app is treated like virus


I’m creating an client app for android, which give a chance to user order some stuff throw the app.
You can log as a user by fb and then my app take fb_id value to send it on the server. Server site check if the user already exist in our db, if not the app sends the user to registration panel where user add crucial data like place of living and some other stuff. When I added the code which sends data to server and get response, avast antivirust starts treat my app like virus. What can I do with it?

Any advice’s cause I must check if the user exist and the user must send some data if he want to order product like name/surname/street, it’s obvious

The app is for androids


what’s the exact detection name you are getting?


after translation

“pizza is recognized as malicious software (Android:SmsCharrger-b[Trj]).”