Good night
he/she would like to know as to place an illustration in my bill. like this for example my photo, or a photo of a flag, somebody could inform me as proceeding, therefore I already sought in my bill and I didn’t find.
I’m not entirely sure if this relates to your forum profile information that is displayed, like mine. But if so, you can’t change your profile information unless you have 20 posts.
The problem comes from drive by spammers, who having registered put objectionable or commercial links in their profile signature to try and gain link promotion, etc.
There have also been cases of the PM function being abused to spam forum members, so you will notice that you can’t use the PM function either.
Unfortunately because of the actions of others legitimate members suffer by the actions to prevent this spamming.
More in the site of http://www.mandrivabrasil.org us of the forum of Linux, we can place our photo or flag etc.
More was worth for the attention.
Thank you very much
You’re welcome.
Yes, it is the same forum software used in both forums (SMF 1.1.8), but as I mentioned there has been a restriction applied in these forums (because of actions by driveby spammers) until you have 20 posts.
It isn’t that it isn’t possible, just restricted as you can see by those in these forums who have more than 20 posts, like my flag and avatar.