apparently my sister has something blocking her from actually using her computer totally. whenever she turns it on a pop-up box immediately tells her that she has a virus and in order to get rid of that virus, she must register and give credit card info to pay $39.95. to try and do anything else at all-her computer then freezes. she cannot log onto any websites at all, because it prevents her from typing anything at all. is there any way to help her?
use your computer do download F-Prot for DOS.
put it on floppies and use a startup disk to boot to the command prompt. insert disk with f-prot.exe and type
f-prot.exe/loaddef it will prompt you to insert the disk with the virus deffinitions and then just scan your computer
go here
go down untill you see f-prot for DOS download it AND the virus signature files that are under it