My Site Has Suddenly Been Blocked. But it's virus free.

Hi everyone

My site has suddenly come up blocked by Avast.

I have contacted my host provider and they said it is clean.
I have tried the various online scans to check the health of the site, and it comes back clean.
No other online security software (like Norton) are blocking it.

Appreciate any advice. I have submitted a request to Avast that it is a false positive.

Many thanks

You dont tell us what avast say…

If it is url:mal it means the url or ip is on a blacklist for whatever reason…it does not have to be infected

I cant check now since i am on a cellphone…

Hi there

Yes, sorry, it says: url:mal

Is there anything I can do if it has been blacklisted? I have submitted a request for review for a false positive.

Many thanks

Sucuri gives all clean:
URL Query:

Polonus has been asked to check your website

Alive long overdue malware on domain on same IP: →
You could file a domain exclusion here:‎ while mentioning a link to this thread,
But I think the site already became unblocked with the latest update, I can visit now without any ado.


Perfect guys, many thanks for your help. It seems to have been unblocked again.

Panic over. I can now have a drink! :smiley: