My site - - is blocked by Avast. Why oh why is this happening? I check with securi, and it’s clean.
not being paranoid, but… are there ways of getting someone’s site blocked maliciously?
Can’t find anything on urlvoid or urlquery either.
There is an on-line contact form, for: * Sales inquiries; Technical issues; Website issues; Report false virus alert in file; Report false virus alert on website; Undetected Malware; Press (Media), issues.
If you are reporting an FP, then you get another input field open, click Browse button and navigate to the file or enter the web URL for the site you wish to submit for review (Network Shield), etc. A link to this topic also wouldn’t hurt.
This is given as potentially suspicious
File size[byte]: 2394
Threat type: Potentially Suspicious
Details: Our investigation system run out of memory used for execution process.
Reason: Reached execution stack limit. Stack content: [ c ][ c ][ c ][ c ][ c ][ c ][ c ][ c ][ c ][ c ][ c ][ c ][ c ][ c ][ c ][ c ][ c ][ c ][ c ][ c ]
MD5: 69431F1EC831BACF31013DFF2872CBA0
Scan duration[sec]: 0.065000 (source quttera website scan)
This could only be with an older version of this script, having a nasty bug for IE: (link author = Peter Wooster)undefined variable a.childNodes
error: line:1: SyntaxError: missing ; before statement:
error: line:1: var a.childNodes = 1;
error: line:1: …^
suspicious: maxruntime exceeded 10 seconds (incomplete) 0 bytes