My taskbar icons are gone

I just installed Avast anti virus for home use (the free edition) and now my taskbar icons are gone! Any idea how to get them back?

I am not running any other anti virus system and my OS is Windows 98. Any help would be appreciated!!

You mean all the icons (of other programs)? Are the avast! icons present?
Except for that, does the system work correctly?

After I rebooted they all came back. It was my Avast icon and my scheduler. That’s all that was left. It was very strange.

Welcome to the forums, MrsG! Glad you got the icons back! :slight_smile:

This is Mr, G
You can’t be Mrs. G. she’s sitting in the living room watching tv. ;D
Welcome to the forum.

In reference to your icons. Do you by any chance have Yahoo Instant Messenger chat program on your computer? I had the icon problem on my pc (WinMe) only after I had downloaded the Yahoo program. I could reboot, icons (all of them) would reappear until I opened up the Yahoo Instant Messenger program and then they would disappear again. Got rid of Yahoo Instant Messenger and the icon problem went away. :wink:

Hey guys I just installed Avast! on another computer and this is what is on the computer
-Norton was not uninstalled.
-Computer has three accounts
-avast installed and rebooted finding 4 trojans.

Now when we logged into the accounts they all are blank. By blank i mean that the wallpaper is the only one that shows. there is no taksbar or icons. When I press the windows key, nothing happens. When I press Ctrl+Alt+Del nothing happens. When I press the power off button on the welcome screen it freezes.

Whats up with that? any idea how to fix it?

Mistake, not getting rid of Norton, even disabled low level drivers run and they can cause conflicts. Even uninstalled it isn’t unusual for remnants to be left behind that can also cause problems. Norton can be a pig to remove.

Having two resident scanners installed is not recommended as rather than provide twice the protection it can cause conflicts that could leave you more vulnerable.

A link worth looking at, which is a program removal tool that can remove the remnants of a number of different Norton Programs:
Removing your Norton program using SymNRT

Even after you use add remove programs to uninstall Norton, Reboot, then run Norton Removal tool, reboot. Because of the existence of Norton it is possible that avast hasn’t fully installed to try and avoid a clash between the two AVs, so you may have to reinstall avast.

You don’t mention your OS ?

It’s an XP.
hm. i thought so. but i had assumed it would uninstall it on its own like it did on mine. I guess i was completely wrong. I will check and return in a few

The only problem is that I can’t even connect online because there is no icon for the computer’s internet connection. how would I be able to uninstall it from here then?

Can you boot into safe mode ?

avast doesn’t run in safe mode and so presumably the same for Norton, so there shouldn’t be any possible conflict.
This is where it becomes complicated - Chicken and egg from here you could uninstall avast first or Norton using add remove programs. I don’t think you should uninstall both as you need at least one working AV if you are to go on-line to a) view the information about using the Norton removal too on-line or b) downloading the off-line removal tool.

  1. I would say uninstall avast first from safe mode and reboot and see if that at least gets you back to square one. If so continue, if not report, though I’m not entirely sure what to suggest if that happens.

  2. I assume you saved a copy of the setupeng.exe, the avast installation file on your HDD, if not get that and disconnect from the internet. So you are ready to install it after the next step.

  3. Now uninstall Norton using add remove programs and reboot.

  4. Install avast and reboot.

Report how you got on, don’t try the Norton removal tool just yet.

i have uninstalled in safe mode. it opens up with everything the same. Thanks man. I will be removing the previous one after and then installing once more the avast. Thanks man props to you.

Details of what I did:
-I pressed F8 and opened in safe mode
-Logged in as Administrator
-Removed Avast
-Rebooted and logged in to original accounts.
-works perfectly

Which basically confirms the conflict between two resident AVs.

That is me for the night, a little after 1a.m. here, so install avast from your administrator account.