My website is block by avast web shield


I don’t understand as to why avast appear blocking my site ( My users are complaining that they neither can perform signup nor login. It download the page instead of showing it when they click the login button. When I tested it from my end it only occurs if the avast web shield is turned ON otherwise it works fine. Help appreciated.


You can report a possible FP here:

I did it but no one seems around :-[

dont expect to recive a reply 5 min after you post. :wink:
in fact, you may not recive a reply at all…

could you provide us with a screenshot of the problem? The url itself ( doesn’t seem to be blocked.

All malware for that IP has now been closed:
also see:



attached is the screenshot when you try to login/register to my site using firefox with avast version 8.0.1489 and the web shield is on. Tested no problem with avast 6.

The website’s common vulnerabilities to outside attackers, summed up here:


So now, these information are just too complicated for me to grasp. How can we put it in simplest terms? Does it mean that avast block the site because of those warnings? Help appreciated

No these are no reasons to block, and you can file that fp report.
What I reported to you are just the server that the website is hosted on giving out too loud webserver details,
an attacker/malcreant could use/have used that information to craft an attack.
The server can be configured in such a way it will hush up to the outside world about these details
and don’t give away this info via headers or cookies,
but then your server administartion at where the server your site is hosted on
should know about such issues. Re:
I find for instance that most sites have issues with clickjacking vulnerabilities for instance.
See what it gives away → Scan for:
IP address:

System Details:
Running on: Apache/2
Powered by: PHP/5.3.13 →

Your ip was scanned with a report generated on Oct 13, 2012,


Now, I get it. This problem seems to have no resolution at the moment. :cry:

Do not worry, your website is clean. The recommendations should go to your website host, point this website forum thread out to them.
The decision to unblock your site and exclude it from the general ip block is not mine but rest with the avast team.
I hope with an upcoming definition avast will unblock.
Have a nice day,
