my website is blocked because of html script-inf susp

please help. I use the avast free version and got now html script-inf susp and it blocked my website

thank you

And Your website url is ?

If posting the domain - Please break active links to suspect sites to avoid accidental exposure, only post the domain-name or change the https to httXp, etc. to break the link.

A screen of the Avast alert window would also help, select the More Details option when viewing the Alert.

  • Attaching Images to your post - When you Click the Reply button it opens a text window for you to post your comment (reply or post).
    Click the Preview button, that shows what you have input and expands it to include ‘Attachments and other options’. Click that it further expands, here you can attach images, etc. at the bottom of your post.
    See my attached image, click to expand.