A customer reached out and showed a screenshot of her Avast antivirus flagging our store as an infected website. Threat: URL: FakeShop.
Our site is:
Replace the (dot) above. It would not let me post an actual link.
I submitted a false positive result. Is that the proper way to clear this up? Or is there something else I can do to resolve this faster? Because our increase in visits is from a viral video, that will fade away fast, so I’m concerned this process will take a long time.
Submitting your https URL to Virus Total shows one hit i.e. on Bfore.Ai PreCrime, otherwise appears Clean. If you have already submitted a FP form to Avast, that is correct thing to do. Unfortunately you will not receive any feedback or notification back from Avast, so suggest give them 2 days to clear it.
Thank you for the info. I checked VirusTotal earlier today and saw one was flagged. Can’t remember which one, but it might be the one you mentioned. It was analyzed over a year ago, so I clicked Reanalyze, and it came back OK. Now it shows me 0 flags on VirusTotal now, though maybe it takes some time for that updated result to propagate.
Good to know the false positive form is the correct route. Wish there was a faster and more definitive solution, but it is what it is.
It is reviewed within 48 hours - but there is no direct response - ‘if’ it is found to be a false positive it will be removed from the listings. However, if the analysis is found to be correct it will remain.