Hello folks I’ve only just joined the forum but I’ve been using Avast! 4.7 home edition for quite some time.
Right well my problem is that basically as of yesterday my Anti-Virus sofware is refusing to allow my “Mini History/Celebration” Website to load. As soon as I click on the bookmark link or type the website address into my address bar, a little banner appears at the foot of the page stating avast! On-Access Scanner Message and then highlighted in yellow beneath that it states: - http://minis.freeservers.com/\unp29778318 contains sample of “VBS:Malware (Script)”! (I’ve used blue because it won’t show up in yellow here) and then the Virus Found Box warning appears and I have to press the Abort Connection button which then leaves me with a blank page. The unp number changes each time I try to load my website though.
This is the full details that appear on the Virus Found Box: -
File name: http://minis.freeservers.com/\unp29778318
Malware name VBS:Malware [Script]
Malware type Virus/Worm
VPS version 000761-2, 27/07/2007
Again the unp numbers vary each time I get the warrning banner.
Anyway I e-mailed Freeservers (my website provider) and told them about the problem even though I didn’t expect a reply since my website is free and I’m not entitled to e-mail or telephone support from them as a result. But I did get this reply last night: -
Hello Darryl,
Everything is fine on your site, no malware is distributed through freeservers. You can request to have the banners removed from your site by upgrading under the My Account tab in your account. Pretty cool mini site.
Mysite Customer Service
Very short but sweet so are they the ones to blame due to the fact it’s drowning in advertising and pop-ups? Perhaps it’s some spiteful ploy to get me to pay the annual subscription fee and rid myself of all the junk adverts and pop-ups?
But I use Firefox though, so it blocks most pop-ups anyway and up to yesterday everything was fine. I even tried loading it using I.E., but had the same results though.
I have updated my Avast! anti-virus software and ran a thorough systems anti-virus check too but it claims my PC is clean anyway.
I’ve also contacted “Statcounter” the people who provide my free hit counter (I’ve been using that for ages too) and it’s got nothing to do with them.
Oh and I’ve also discovered that when I open my bookmarks folder and right click on my website bookmark and then select properties, the Avast! warning also appears then. So is the problem on my computer instead? Or is my Avast! anti-virus programme automatically classing my site as a virus risk now?
So any advice would be greatly appreciated, because it seems to be only me who is having a problem loading it and I’ve heard from a few people who have had no problems themselves including those who use up to date AVG Anti-Virus software and they’ve had no problems loading it either.
Anyway I eventually intend using the free web-space offered by my broadband provider to host it, but I’d like to find an answer to this problem now just in case it occurs again in the future. Oh and my website is: -
My Rough Guide To The Mini 1959-2000
Help! ???