NAV and Avast Can Play Nicely Together

:smiley: I have sucessfully gotten Avast to work without any difficulty without removing the Norton Antivirus program from my machine.

[I did not want to remove any part of my Norton Systemworks Suite as if I did, it would corrupt my Symantec Winfax/Talkworks programā€¦ I did not want to have to reinstall Winfax Talkworks as I did not want to reconfigure it, re-record my greeting messages, etc.]

My NAV was installed as part of the Systemworks 2001 Suite.

My system is running WIN98SE, on an HP 8240 166 [1998 vintage].

Although this may not work for configurations other than mine, here is what I did, and it works perfectly for me:

  1. Went to the the ā€œOptionsā€ for Sytemworks, specifically ā€œAntivirusā€ options, and disabled every option on every page that has anything to do with enabling NAV.

  2. Did the same thing with the ā€œSystemworksā€ tab in ā€œOptionsā€.

  3. Opened the ā€œAntivirusā€ section of Systemworks and turned off every option there [for ā€œAuto-Protectā€, ā€œE-Mail Scannningā€, etc.

  4. Used PC Magazineā€™s ā€œStartUp Copā€ program to disable any NAV programs from launching at boot-up. [For some reason, NAV still wanted to activate even after I had disabled it as much as possible.] You could probably use any utility that manages start-up behavior, not just StartUp Cop.

Thatā€™s all I had to do.

I still have full fuctionality of Systemworks [with the exception of the anti-virus program, of course].

I canā€™t guarantee that this will work for anyone else under any scenario or operating system, and of course I backed up my system before I made these changes, which anyone should do before they make changes to system behavior.

If you want to try it, proceed at your own risk. At least the changes you make under my scenario should be easily reversible, as they are only behavior changes, and donā€™t actually modify or remove any program-dependent files.

  • Floyd -

Yeah, the programs are incompatible only under Windows 2000/XPā€¦

:wink: Thanks, Vlk, for the moderator follow-upā€¦

I had to implement the disabling of NAV on my Win98SE machine as Avast would not operate cooperatively otherwise.

I hope that my solution for those with Win98SE who donā€™t want to remove NAV also might work for themā€¦ I have two other machines, one with 2000 Professional and one with with XP Professional, both with Norton Systemworks installed. I will see if I can construct work-arounds for those operating systems similar to what I was able accomplish with my Win98 system, and post my results, good or bad!

  • Floyd -

Backup firstā€¦ My terrible experience with XP and Norton wonā€™t let me again run this roadā€¦ 8)
NAV 2003 and 2004 are incompatible with avast! in XP SP1+ environments. Registry will be messed, you will lost protection of DOS under XP (you can test or search the forums, I posted a lot of itā€¦).

I respect your decision, but I cannot see other reason that bad Symantec integration about your own words: I did not want to have to reinstall Winfax Talkworks as I did not want to reconfigure it, re-record my greeting messages, etc..

I use the SystemWorks, all but NAVā€¦ The only way to use a Symantec Product in my opinion. Btw, Speed Disk is one of the best disk defrag applications. NAV cannot be compared with avast in my opinion. avast rulez! :wink:

Btw, Speed Disk is one of the best disk defrag applications.
Right you are technical. It is even included in norton utlities for Mac, however, you don't need to defrag a macintosh running OS X only the classic OSes as OS X has a real time defrag program of some unknown sort