Hello there,
I’m one of those who experience BSODs.
It was a clean install of Windows 8 on my side and I downloaded avast! from the official avast! website.
My specs if needed: http://www.sysprofile.de/id151928
I’m tired of those BSODs - I’m a computer science student at university and it’s really annoying if you lose all your progress on what you coded because of a random BSOD every day at least once…
Since I uninstalled avast! yesterday I had no BSODs - running on Windows Defender for the time being until a fix is out …
Yes, the issue is a result of an incompatibility with an updated ndis.sys as found in update KB2756872. This is what I found out, unfortunately they couldn’t track down the issue! I also have had the issue in the last two days with aswnet.sys.
Uninstalling KB2756872 should resolve this issue. However, since this update is a major one (it’s considered a mini service pack by some), it’s not really practical to do so.