Need an advice over something trivial^^

Have u tried LunaScape 5 Genesis browser?

Click me for more info

Just wondering if this browser is good…^^



Hi +AdDicT+,

It was mentioned very briefly, in this topic a while ago:

Maybe the site there could shed some more light in the subject for you

I did try it on my old pc, but I had trouble downloading the different engines…(not sure if it was the pc or the internet connection which was flakey at best)


Hi +AdDicT+

No i haven’t used it
Found some info see link:
Hope it helps

It really is an interesting browser…
I already heard/read about it but up to now didn’t use it… possibly the time has come now :slight_smile:

Here’s the official homepage:

kind regards

Wuw, i’m really impressed. Very interesting and good browser. :smiley: Especially i like the triple engine feature and several appearances of the original browsers. Thanks +AdDicT+, i’ll use it for some time beside Opera 10.


Thanks for ur fast response^^

It really helped me choose the conclusion^^

Thanks again^^

IMO the browser is good^^

However, if there r any feedbacks about this browser, just post it here^^ thanks^^


Regardless of how good it might be, I suspect that by default it won’t be supported by the web shield, check the web shield detailed view and see if the content is being scanned (read protected by avast).

If not you are going to have to manually set it to use the web shield proxy, localhost ( on port 12080. Don’t ask me how to do that I don’t know anything about this browser.

It is not scanned by the Webshield, and you have to opt-in, similar to when chrome/iron first appeared:

This is a workaround for now, I imagine alwil will look it over and add it to the default scanning list.


Thats a quick “no”^^

BTW thanks^^


Well it isn’t a “no” just you have to be aware that by default you are going to have to do something for avast to monitor it using the web shield.