Hellow everyone, I need avast internet security offline installer, i am trying to download it from official site but it’s giving some errors.
Avast Internet Security: https://files.avast.com/iavs9x/avast_internet_security_setup_offline.exe
I am getting server error while downloading from this link
Provide details.
Whenever i try downloading from your url it gets redirected to below url and says the site can’t be reached
I tried all url’s on this page too
None of them working
Seem’s like downloading url’s all over internet are the same… & i think avast server’s are down right now…
Can someone please upload the avast internet security on google drive and sent me a link please
Clicking the link given by Asyn, does redirect (image1), but that is to ensure that it always leads to the correct/latest version.
From there I choose to Save File and it downloads without issue, attached image2.
I have just done this a few minutes ago and no server issue when I tried.
Just tested it, like Dave I’ve no issue here downloading from the official link.
Post a screenshot of the error you get.
Don’t know why this is not working in my case
latest program and link(s) are always found in sticky post at top in this forum section >> https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=218904.0
I tried those links too, getting the same error
Hy, someone just deleted my screenshot and some of my messages
That’s because spammers over the last couple of days have been posting links to althow related web pages.
I got that link on google
Doesn’t really matter where you got it from, Indian spammers have been repeatedly posting links to that same page the last two days so that’s why it’s been removed.
Adding to the suspicious nature of the website is they also force visitors to disable adblocking so they can track you :
There is nothing to stop you attaching images to your post, as I did in mine.
When replying, just below the text window is the ‘Attachments and other options’ click that to expand and attach the image.
This is preferable than using an off forum link.
+1 Some of us don’t follow external links.