Need cancelation confirmation

I uninstalled Avast since even though I had it installed my browsers are FULL of virusses, so it simply does not work. I sent an email and facebook message to confirm my cancelation (it still has 60 days before it is supposed to autorenew).

I just want a confirmation that it was indeed cancelled and that I will NOT be charged for renewal. Since I am not using it!

Thanks or

I’d suggest for you to remove your email from your post, it’ll be harvested by spammers otherwise :o

Did you turn ON PUP detection ?

Browser hijackers are classed as PUP = Possible Unwanted Programs

avast PUP detection is default OFF

You may remove them using Malwarebytes Antimalware FREE

There is nothing in the world that detect/protect a system from everything.

Did you had PUP detection enabled ?

even though I had it installed my browsers are FULL of viruses
Those are not viruses, but malware. Blame it on yourself because you visited malicious sites/downloaded malicious things. The first line of defense is the user, not a tool.

Sending a email is not the way to cancel a subscription.

Posting your email address on a public webboard is a very good way to get a lot of spam.

  1. I’m somewhat confused by your first statement “my browsers are FULL of viruses.” I find it hard to believe your browsers are FULL of viruses, you may well have browser add-ons, which aren’t viruses, more adware than viruses.

You don’t say what avast version or browsers you are using and we would need more details on what you are calling viruses to be able to help.

Contrary to what has been said about PUPs the Web Shield scans for PUPs on downloaded content, it is the File Shield that doesn’t.

  1. Sending an email or using facebook isn’t the correct route to cancelling auto renewal, you need to cancel it:

You could also check to see if your Order number can be found at