Need HEEELP!! All my folder gone after virus scan

Dear expert out there,

I really need some help, my flashdisk was infected by trojan fakefolder, detected by avast. and then moved to chest. but the problem is all folder in my flashdisk just gone and inaccessible. I check the flashdisk properties and found that its capacity don’t change, which I assume that the file is actually still there, just inaccessible.
I really need all those folder… because it contain my works…

can anybody help me how to solve this problem…

thank you so much in advance…


Run this on the flash drive and your computer

[*] Download RogueKiller and save it on your desktop.

NOTE: If using IE8 or better Smartscreen Filter will need to be disabled

[*]Quit all programs
[*] Start RogueKiller.exe.
[*] Wait until Prescan has finished …
[*] Click on Scan

[*]Wait for the end of the scan.
[*] The report has been created on the desktop.
[*] Click on the Delete button.

[*]The report has been created on the desktop.

[*]Next click on the ShortcutsFix

[*]The report has been created on the desktop.

Please post: All RKreport.txt text files located on your desktop.

thank you so much… I’ll try it…

I recomend installing MCShield a special program for stopping malware that spread using removable device

you find it you google my city mcshield