need help after install...

i just installed avast on my main computer and it had to restart but now i can’t turn on for the computer it’s loads but befor the login screen it shows a black screen where i only can see the mouse… :S what can i do ?

i didnt know where to place it cuz i dont know which avast i have,…

Have (or did) you another AV installed in this system, if so what was it and how did you get rid of it ?

Did you opt to do a boot-time scan at the end of the install ?
Did that complete ?
Did windows try to load ?

Can you try booting into safe mode ? - avast doesn’t run in safe mode so it shouldn’t get in the way.

If the first question is true, you have/had another AV that could be causing a conflict.

no i had avg befor… but when i turn it on with safety mode it’s just shows black screen and write safety mode at the top :S and i tried the way on and that is not workin too :S

I’m at a bit of a loss at what to suggest if you can’t get into safe mode to do some work.

All the suggestions really require that you can at least get into safe mode with windows running. The System Configuration Utility method mentioned by pchell is the usual way to get into safe mode if the F8 fails to work but you obviously have to get into normal mode which you can’t. Now that is before windows opens and avast doesn’t run at all in safe mode (when windows starts) so I think this fault is something other than avast as it can’t be running at that point.

What version of windows are you using ?
The reason I ask is I vaguely remember this black ‘safe’ screen you mentioned which is command mode, what happens if you type win and click enter, does that start windows (as again I vaguely recall something like this in win9x to start windows from command mode) ?

You may need to try a Windows Repair Console (or repair install), I have never had to do this so have no practical experience. That however, also depends on what version of windows you are using.

i’m using windows xp … its not doing anything when I write win in safemode or in normal mode

Yes it looks like that Win was for an earlier version win95/98.

So I fear you will have to try repair install, effectively installing over the top of your existing installation, I did a bit of searching on pchell for recovery console and found this,, but that from a quick read seems to need you to be able to get into safe mode.

So I resorted to google, and the first hit seems reasonable, by an MS MVP.

Are you able to get into normal mode now ?

Or is this just the black screen ?

my friend helped me but thanks anyway

You’re welcome, have you resolved it now ?

If so what did you do it might help others in the future.