Need Help Here Program file Item Cant Be Removed

Sorry i dun know is it the right section to ask??
hi Guys :D,
i have a problem with deleting folder from my program its was a Sony Corporation item and with 1 VEShellExt.DLL File called and 1 Program Called VirtualExpander. i believe it came from my 4GB Sony Thumbdrive.

I tired Goggling n Sony Website using their removable it seem not working.

When i tired to delete the file it say :

You Need The Permission perform this action and click Try Again n Came Out The same thing

i am the only user who use this computer n i am admin of this computer . The Control Panel Didn’t Show The Program

Right click “run as administrator”.

i am not running the program

BUMP~~ i Really Need Help on this ???

Make sure that you’re logged in using an administrative account, and try removing it.

If that doesn’t work, try unlocker

If that doesn’t work, try revo uninstaller