Need help installing Avast for Linux... properly

I have been using Linux for months now. Have always used Avast for Linux. But now I have realised I have been downloading it from an unofficial source:

When the official way is described at:

I am having issues installing though.

When I run:
“sudo echo “deb debian release” >> /etc/apt/sources.list”
The terminal responds with:
“bash: /etc/apt/sources.list: Permission denied”

Any idea why this is?

Also, when I go to: it says:
“404: not found”

There is only avast for servers, which is not free.
For support you need to contact the reseller.

Are you saying that support for “Avast for Linux!” has been dropped?

I don’t understand why they’d do that when so many Linux users use it.

No, I’m saying that there only is avast for Linux servers and that you need to buy it.
For support you need to contact the reseller.

The home edition has been dropped about 5(?) years ago.

I still have it available here:
As Eddy mentioned, it’s not been supported for many years. I’m currently waiting for a reply
as to Virus Database updates. If they are still available, the age of the program really doesn’t matter.
If the VPS updates are no longer available, then the program really isn’t worth installing.

Yes, database updates are still coming; through today, anyway. :slight_smile:

Thanks Lano for the updated information.

You’re welcome. :slight_smile:

my company policy require to use Avast antivirus, but I am Linux user. Currently Windows and Mac are supported, but there is old package avast4workstation, which should be working fine, however it asks for license:

Obtaining license does not work now, so how I can run it?

I found working key:



Please note that VPS updates for the outdated version have been discontinued a while ago.

If you want to use avast on Linux, you will have to buy a server version from a retailer.

You are right:

# virus database:       170303-1 03.03.2017

So currently there is no possibility to have free Avast with up-to-date database on Linux >:(

Correct, as mentioned by Eddy, there’s no free version for Linux anymore.