need help installing...

i download the avast antivirus softwre and a thing popped up saying “Set up finished” the below that it says “There was an error while completing the setup process” then it says “view setup log” then at the bottom is says finish. when i click finish the box goes away but nothing happens and i cant run the program to search for viruses. Anyone know what i should do? :o

Welcome to the forum.
You didn’t mention which version of avast you installed.
Do you have now or ever any other Anti Virus program installed ???

Its avast 4.8, i had avast before but it expired so i was downloading it again. my computer came with 1 month of norton antivirus but that expired over a year ago.

If it was expired you just need to register for a new free license key

Have you removed Norton?

How do i register for a new free license key?

Click the link then follow the instructions^^


It is important that you uninnstall Norton and then run the “Norton Removal Tool” to remove all trace after the program
You will fiend the removal tool here it is Nr.21

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How to insert activation key

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